A Man With A Hat  Life In The Past Lane


old man poems, photos & drawings. (coming soon)



Have I seen and heard some shit while standing here waiting for a bus not to arrive. Until it doesn't arrive, I'll wait here by the bus stop and look down the road towards the horizon. I will  ponder the imponderable, wonder what lies beyond the other side of that horizontal line


You can wait a life time for a bus not to arrive but if you set off walking you’ll take the wrong turn to Christ knows where. Somewhere where you’ll never arrive. Once you are on your way the damn bus will pass you on the way to where you think you are going but aren’t.


Passive or proactive, you know you’re fucked, you are destined to wait at the bus stop, first in belief and then in hope the bus will come and then you start to suspect the bus doesn't exist so can't arrive.


Your life was mapped out like a bus route but all it was, was a promise that will never be fulfilled. Initiative is an illusion like Google maps, you can go anywhere while not going anywhere at all so cock your leg and leave your stink or find a wall and write your epitaph:


I waited a life time for a bus not to arrive and it didn’t. I was here all the time until I wasn’t.

photo: Hans Dethmers

                                                    new work




                                  drawings I


                                  drawings II


Boris & Betty Badd first appeared about 20 years ago, once a month in an ezine Oysters & Chocolates for about two years. It later appeared in a couple of other zines and journals, all now defunct. I've put the strips and the few cartoons together in a booklet, available direct from me for €7 & €5 p&p (within EU) or you will find me at the Comic, Art & Beer at the Rotown, Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam. Watch here for the dates of the next event.


                                          take what you need









Ranter, the man who knows everything and if he doesn't, he'll still tell you what you need to know. If you think you are intelligent, well read and worldly wise, be ready to be shocked, you aren't as clever or as wise as you think you are.


Ranter 1 & 2 available directly from me for €7 & €5 p&p (within EU) or you will find me at the Comic, Art & Beer at the Rotown, Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam. Watch here for the dates of the next event.


                            the first line

zines & chapbooks

                                                            sex & cigarettes



Gaylien, the confused alien. His mission is to seek out new life forms and procreate. Confusion reigns as Gaylien conscientiously  goes about his mission.


The comic Gaylien was drawn some 20 years ago, just to see where a character I thought up would develop. I printed up just one comic because other projects took priority so it ended up on the back burner and eventually forgotten, the file gathering digital dust on a hard drive. I have eventually printed another edition in a slightly different format to the original. 


Gaylien, available directly from me for €8 & €5 p&p (within EU) or you will find me at the Comic, Art & Beer at the Rotown, Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam. Watch here for the dates of the next event.


                                postcards from a room


                                asylum files


                                road to Boazum




Government In Exile, is a one off comic of political satire, comprising of comic strips and drawings. It is one of those projects I created to dissipate my personal frustrations.  Politics is a rich source of fun, scathing fun but it is a fine line between satire being entertaining and falling into preaching at people, which is a sure way to switching people off. Still, when frustrations build up pressure, a safety valve is necessary.


Government In Exile, available directly from me for €8 & €5 p&p (within EU) or you will find me at the Comic, Art & Beer at the Rotown, Nieuwe Binnenweg, Rotterdam. Watch here for the dates of the next event.